5 Creative Ways to Save Money For Your Cross-Country Move

Planning a cross-country move can be exciting for everyone involved, but it can also bring its share of financial stress as well. To save up some extra money and keep concerns about your budget to a minimum while planning for the big move, take a look at these 5 creative ways to build up your cross-country moving fund.

1. Showcase the old change jar

While this approach might seem dated at first, you’ll soon find that unearthing your old change jar and displaying it in a central location in your home dramatically improves your motivation. Each time you see the change that waits in the jar on your kitchen counter or coffee table, you’ll be encouraged by how far you’ve come and inspired to take it a step further.

To save even more, avoid limiting yourself to just change and set aside single dollars each time you break a larger bill. Above all, make sure your savings are in a place where they’ll regularly inspire you to keep your eyes on your goals.

2. Sell items you don’t need

You can kill two birds with one stone by selling off items that you’re no longer as attached to. Not only will you make a bit of added cash that can go straight into your moving fund, but you’ll be making the moving load lighter as well. Any item that you sell pays for itself twice by earning you some cash and reducing the amount of hauling space you’ll need.

3. Stick to sales and promos

Make a promise to yourself that you’ll only buy extra items if you can take advantage of a sale or promotion. Challenge yourself to only eat out if you can find a coupon and only buy clothing items that are on sale. Treat it like a treasure hunt, and browse weekly ads to plan your meals and purchases around the best possible deals. Afterwards, see how much money you saved and add that amount to your moving fund.

4. Save materials along with money

Don’t just prepare for your cross-country move by saving cash–take things to the next level by saving packing materials as well! Let your friends and family know that you’ll accept any old boxes they’re looking to get rid of and save up boxes for when it comes time to pack. Keep an eye out for boxes that naturally free themselves up when you use up your usual products, too, because each box you save now is one you won’t have to buy later.

5. Start a swear jar

Any habit will do, such as biting your nails or succumbing to the temptations of junk food–but whatever it is, drop a dollar into the jar each time you slip up. You may find yourself getting more mindful of your questionable habits if it costs you a dollar each time you slouch or start biting your nails. Additionally, you’ll build up a nice little moving fund in no time on top of having worked on improving yourself.

To Recap:

Planning for a big cross-country move can certainly be daunting, and many people struggle to come up with good ways to save up for a moving fund. However, these 5 creative methods can help you have fun saving money for your goals and making sure you’re prepared for the big day.

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